Monday, June 29, 2009

A Dog Day Afternoon

My friend Jane and I organized a free charity sewing event on June 28th. Volunteers sewed dog harnesses for dogs rescued from puppy mills. The inhuman conditions that dogs live in at puppy mills was exposed on the Oprah Show.

Yesterday, 13 lovely ladies visited the Sassy SEWer- A Sewing & Craft Lounge to sew for the puppies that are rescued. The harnesses are used to raise funds for Puppy Mill Rescue. The funds raised pay for the medications, surgeries and care these dogs need. Fabric was donated by Maryland Chapter of American Sewing Guild, the Sassy Sewer hosted the event and refreshments were provided by Puppy Mill Rescue

For three hours we laughed, sewed and snacked. Ruthie a representative from Puppy Mill Rescue discussed how her organization worked, why she became involved and how we can help save these animals. Ruthie brought her poodle that was rescued from the mill. He was so cute!!! There was another women who had rescued two had adopted two pups. Another who was a breeder, who explained why we should buy from reputable breeders. Both passionate about helping these poor dogs.

Each of us can do something to help these animals. My lifestyle is not conducive to animals(I like to travel, sew and socialize to much, LOL!!), so my contribution was to host and provide the sewing machines and sewing tools to help these unfortunate animals.

We all can make a difference!!

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