Monday, December 28, 2009

Sew Little Time for Me!

I’ve been thinking about how little sewing I did for myself during 2009.  I’m not one to make New Years Resolutions, but this year I resolve to sew more for me.  I schedule time for everybody and everything else, but don’t schedule time to sew.  I need to sew more for me.  Sewing makes me happy and reduces my stress levels. 

A better way to track your progress

What is your vision of success? The image is different for each of us. For one person it's to sew more, for another it's attending the 2010 ASG Conference in Atlanta. But, whatever your dream, setting SMART goals will help you make it come true. Setting goals is more than making vague statements like, "I will find a new job" or "I will increase my business." It means creating a written plan that includes reasonable and measurable long-term and short-term objectives. It means setting SMART goals. Lots of coaches and consultants use the SMART acronym to explain goal setting. Each one uses a slightly different set of criteria. In this case, S.M.A.R.T. refers to goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.

What makes a good goal? 

Traditional goal-setting wisdom has taught us that a good goal must be SMART

a)      Specific - Goals need to be something specific. Often we set goals that are so loose, it's nearly impossible to judge whether we hit them or not. For example, a statement like "I will sew more" is too vague. How will you know if and when you've reached your goal? Saying, “I will sew one item each month" is more specific.
b)      Measurable - Goals need to be measurable. For example, many of us want to sew with a plan. But, "sewing with a plan" is an ambiguous statement. A clearer objective is "I will sew items that compliment my existing wardrobe." It's a simple, concrete goal. This makes it easy to see if you hit your target.
c)      Achievable - Goals need to be reasonable and achievable. Finishing a queen sized quilt in two weeks is unrealistic (unless you're planning to sew for eight hours every day). Finishing a queen sized quilt 2 months is reasonable. Don't set yourself up for failure by setting goals that are out of reach.
d)      Realistic - Goals need to be realistic. When we're kids we think we can do anything. As adults we learn that while we can have a lot, we can't have it all at the same time. It's important to honestly evaluate yourself. Do you have the ability and commitment to make your dream come true? Or does it need a little adjustment? For example, you may love to sew, but do you have the time, talent and commitment?  Be honest.
e)      Timely - Goals need to have a time frame. Having a set amount of time will give your goals structure. For example, many of us want to enter our project in the State or County Fair.  Some people spend a lot of time talking about what they want to do, someday. But, without an end date there is no sense of urgency, no reason to take any action today. Having a specific time frame gives you the impetus to get started. It also helps you monitor your progress.  

This year I’ll call my sewing resolutions, sewing goals.  Here is my short list of sewing goals for 2010. 

1) sew for me at least twice a week
2) sew with a plan…that means to sew garments that coordinate with my existing wardrobe that are both   flattering in color and style
3) decrease my fabric stash
4) improve my garment fitting
5) continue my formal sewing education

Do you have any personal sewing goals for 2010?    I’d like to know your personal sewing goals for 2010.  Please share, you may be an inspiration to others


1 comment:

  1. I have the same goals, though my timeline has to be a bit more relaxed due to a large family and health issues. Also, I have a goal of joining up with a sewing guild to give me more incentive to keep on going. :-) Maybe I'll see you soon!
